Maybe I can Help.

Doing good isn’t easy. Protecting the environment, defending civil liberties, advancing economic opportunity, expanding health care, saving endangered species, improving schools, making your community safer…the causes are diverse, but the work is the same. You need to educate the public, mobilize your grassroots, and make the case to decision-makers.

No matter what your mission is, you need more time, people, energy, and money. I’ve been there, and I can help.

What I do

About Me

Over the last 25 years, I have worked to advance the public good at the state, federal and local level. My passion is wildlife conservation and environmental protection; I’ve also worked on issues ranging from immigration to economic development to human rights. My toolbox of skills includes everything from research to communications to fundraising to lobbying. I’ve managed people, budgets, and coalitions. I show up, I speak up, and I get to work.

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Get in Touch!

Let’s talk about ways that I can help you do more to advance the public good in your organization, your community, and the world.